MERIDEN, KS | Jefferson Assembly of God


Connect groups

Small Groups at JAG are all about finding freedom and connecting with others that you may have never met without joining a group! It's hard to make connections sometimes, that's why we put these together. Our groups are small gatherings of people who meet at different locations.  Most meet for about 3 months before they end. 

youth ministries

JAG Youth Ministries is a student ministry that is a culturally relevant program that focuses on the spiritual health and nurturing ministry for the students of Meriden.

Girls Ministries

Girls Ministries is a church-based discipleship program that has a legacy of godly women coming alongside girls, guiding them on a path to become mature and godly women

Royal Rangers

Royal Rangers is a church-based mentoring program that utilizes time-proven  techniques  to guide them into life-long relationships through team-based activities and leadership opportunities.